Sunday, January 31, 2010

Ski Safari Iran 2009

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Benjamin Biolay "Ton héritage"

Si tu aimes les soirs de pluie
Mon enfant, mon enfant
Les ruelles de l'Italie
Et les pas des passants
Eternelle litanie
Des feuilles mortes dans le vent
Qui poussent un dernier cri
Crie mon enfant

Si tu aimes les éclaircies
Mon enfant, mon enfant
Prendre un bain de minuit
Dans le grand océan
Si tu aimes la mauvaise vie
Ton reflet dans l'étang
Si tu veux tes amis
Près de toi tout le temps

Si tu pries quand la nuit tombe
Mon enfant, mon enfant
Si tu ne fleuris pas les tombes
Mais chéris les absents
Si tu as peur de la bombe
Et du ciel trop grand
Si tu parles à ton ombre
De temps en temps

Si tu aimes la marée basse
Mon enfant, mon enfant
Le soleil sur la terrasse
Et la lune sous le vent
Si l'on perd souvent ta trace
Dès qu' arrive le printemps
Si la vie te dépasse
Passe mon enfant

Ca n'est pas ta faute
C'est Ton héritage
Et ça sera pire encore
Quand tu auras mon âge
Ca n'est pas ta faute
C'est ta chair, ton sang
Il va falloir faire avec
Ou plutôt sans

Si tu oublies les prénoms
Les adresses et les âges
Mais presque jamais le son
D'une voix, un visage
Si tu aimes ce qui est bon
Si tu vois des mirages
Si tu préfères Paris
Quand vient l'orage

Si tu aimes les goûts amers
Et les hivers tout blancs
Si tu aimes les derniers verres
Et les mystères troublants
Si tu aimes sentir la terre
Et jaillir le volcan
Si tu as peur du vide
Vide mon enfant

Ca n'est pas ta faute
C'est Ton héritage
Et ça sera pire encore
Quand tu auras mon âge
Ca n'est pas ta faute
C'est ta chair, ton sang
Il va falloir faire avec
Ou plutôt sans

Si tu aimes partir avant
Mon enfant, mon enfant
Avant que l'autre s'éveille
Avant qu'il te laisse en plan
Si tu as peur du sommeil
Et que passe le temps
Si tu aimes l'automne vermeil
Merveille rouge sang

Si tu as peur de la foule
Mais supporte les gens
Si tes idéaux s'écroulent

Le soir de tes 20 ans
Et si tout se déroule
Jamais comme dans tes plans
Si tu n'es qu'une pierre qui roule
Roule mon enfant

Ca n'est pas ta faute
C'est Ton héritage
Et ça sera pire encore
Quand tu auras mon âge
Ca n'est pas ta faute
C'est ta chair, ton sang
Il va falloir faire avec
Ou plutôt sans

Mon enfant...Mon enfant...

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Shakila - Nedaye Mardome Iran

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Dota cheshme siaah dari, Bijan Mofid, دوتا چشم سیاه داری

L'actualité vue par Ali Dilem

Friday, January 01, 2010

Genel Başkan Deniz Baykal yeni yıl nedeniyle bir mesaj yayımladı…

-“Yeni bir yıla daha giriyoruz.

Ne yazık ki Cumhuriyetin kazanımları ile hukuk devleti anlayışının ayaklar altına alındığı, yazarlar, çizerler, aydınlar, dekanlar, rektörlerin yanısıra TSK’nın bile şüpheli konumuna düşürüldüğü, töhmet altında tutulduğu bir süreçten geçiyoruz.

2010 yılının bu sıkıntıların aşıldığı,
Hukukun egemen olduğu,
Birileri dokunulmazlık zırhına sarılarak ortalarda dolaşır ve sürekli hesap vermekten kaçarken, ucu iktidara kadar uzanan yargılamaların önünün artık tıkanmaması
Özgürlüklerinden yoksun bırakılmış namuslu, dürüst, demokrat bir çok aydının
Ergenekon suçlusu olarak büyük acılarla karşı karşıya bırakılmaması,
Silivri’de bedel ödemeye devam etmemesi,
İnsanlarımızın onurlarını korumak için intihar ederek yaşamına son verme gibi insanlık adına düşünülmemesi gereken bir sonla karşılaşmaması,
Terör örgütü yöneticileri davul zurna ile karşılanırken,
İstanbul’da Ankara’da işçilerin gazlanmadığı,
öğrenciler dahil, hak arayanların coplanmadığı,
Gazimizin yol kenarında açlıktan ölmediği,
milyonlarca insanımızın açlık sınırı altında yaşamadığı
İşadamlarının ekonomik sorunları nedeniyle intihar etmediği,
Yeni yılın kaynaşmış, kardeşleşmiş milletimizin ayrıştırılmadığı bir yıl olmasını diliyorum

Artık açık bir şekilde ortaya çıkmıştır ki, ırka, dine, dile, mezhebe, cinsiyete dayalı hesaplaşmalardan, yolsuzluk ve kirlilikten uzak bir yıl ancak yeni bir yapılanma ve demokratik yollardan bu iktidardan kurtulmak ile mümkündür.

Bu nedenle herkesin, hepimizin demokratik hak ve hukukunu koruyarak Türkiye’ye sahip çıkması, yokluktan, yoksulluktan, işsizlikten çaresizlikten daha az söz edilmesi ve yarınlara umutla bakılabilen bir yıl olması dileğiyle yeni yılınızı içtenlikle kutluyor, sevgi ve saygılarımı sunuyorum."

PARIS -- The son of the deposed shah of Iran urged nations worldwide on Thursday to withdraw their ambassadors from Tehran to protest a relentless government crackdown on opposition demonstrators that resulted in at least eight deaths this week alone.

Reza Pahlavi, who has lived in exile since his father was toppled in the 1979 Islamic revolution, also appealed in a letter to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon for a U.N. investigation into human rights violations during the unrest.

In an interview with The Associated Press, Pahlavi equated the climate of the unrest in his homeland with the "revolutionary atmosphere" that preceded the fall of his father from the Peacock Throne 30 years ago, when the monarchy was replaced by an Islamic republic. The difference, he said, is that this time the people know what they want - a secular democracy.

Pahlavi, like other members of the exiled opposition to Iran's clerical regime, is looking to play a role from afar as protesters brashly defy authorities in an increasingly tumultuous Iran.

In the letter Pahlavi urged the U.N. chief to press Iran to release those arrested and act to "halt the intolerable and increasingly dangerous march of events." The letter was given to the AP Thursday.

At least eight people died during protests Sunday, and hundreds were arrested in the worst unrest since the aftermath of June's disputed presidential election.

Pahlavi said that recalling ambassadors would be a "minimal but clear indication" by U.N. member states of their support for the rights of Iranian citizens and objections to violations of these rights by Iranian authorities.

"What you see in Iran is of major proportions," Pahlavi said by telephone. Based in the United States, the 49-year-old former crown prince is currently in Europe. His exact location was not divulged for security reasons.

"I can equate it with the same kind of climate that existed toward the end of 1978, 30 years ago, which led to a revolutionary atmosphere which I think has been reached right now in Iran," he said.

Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was overthrown Feb. 11, 1979. He fled Iran and wandered from country to country, ill with cancer and eventually died in Egypt in 1980. His son is based in Bethesda, Maryland, but often travels to France.

"The biggest difference is if yesterday the only focus was on bringing down the previous regime, while most people didn't quite know what it would end up like, this time people not only know what they don't want, which is the current regime, but they also know what they want," the shah's son said.

He said he believes the great majority want a secular democratic system to replace the clerical regime.

Pahlavi, like other exiled Iranian opposition figures, insists that the protest movement is not focused exclusively on leading figure Mir Hossein Mousavi or another top figure, Mahdi Karroubi.

Exiled groups, who themselves are unlikely to ever join forces, say they are in constant contact with well-placed sources inside Iran.

The head of the People's Mujahedeen Organization, Maryam Rajavi, said her group could rally behind Mousavi "despite his past" but only "if he accepts distancing himself from the religious dictatorship." The Mujahedeen's Iraq-based army has been disarmed by U.S. soldiers. The group remains on the U.S. terrorist list.

"Change is under way in Iran. It will not stop until the regime has come to an end," Rajavi said by telephone.

The first president of the post-revolution Islamic Republic, Abolhassan Bani-Sadr, also living in France, is less optimistic.

"From a stand point of legitimacy, it (the regime) is over .... But it has three means that are interwoven in order to make this regime last: oil revenues, the forces of repression, and fear."

For Pahlavi, who calls for civil disobedience, the current strife is a "culminating moment."

He contended that, unlike the bloodbath that accompanied the fall of his father, a peaceful transition is possible with even some of the security apparatus "part of the solution."

He claimed some members of the security apparatus have on occasion shown restraint toward demonstrators and what he called cooperation by refusing to follow orders to move in. Foreign journalists in Tehran were restricted from covering protests, and news media abroad have relied in part on video and reports from Iranian citizens.

Now, he said, they need an "exit strategy" so they can refuse to cooperate with the regime and even join with those seeking change.

It is not known how much weight various exiled opposition forces have inside Iran and, in the case of Pahlavi, how many people support the idea of a return to monarchy. However, Pahlavi says that is not his goal.

"This is not about me. I'm not here to advocate anything but ... freedom and democracy for the Iranian people at first and I've determined this as my unique mission in life."

Still, he acknowledged that "I carry on my shoulders the historic weight of an institution that I may potentially represent."

Angela Charlton in Paris contributed to this report

Letter to the Honorable Ban Ki-Moon

Your Excellency:

I am writing to share with you my profound concerns about the continuing, serious and flagrant human rights violations of my compatriots by the clerical regime in Iran, and respectfully request you adopt urgent and appropriate measures to put an immediate end to such violations.

The shameful record of the clerical government’s endless violations of all the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights - to which Iran has long been a signatory - needs no recounting. Since its inception thirty years ago, the clerical regime of Iran has been repeatedly cited for human rights violations by a host of international human rights agencies and organizations, including United Nations’ Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee, United Nations’ Commission on Human Rights, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and The International Federation for the Defense of Human Rights.

Since the fraudulent presidential election in June, the leaders of the clerical regime of Iran have opted for the use of deadly force to prevent the Iranian citizens from exercising their freedoms of assembly and speech. I was deeply grateful for your prompt expression of concern and dismay on 22 June 2009, particularly “the use of force against civilians.” However, the clerical regime in Iran chose to ignore your call on them “to respect fundamental civil and political rights, especially the freedom of expression, freedom of assembly and freedom of information” of the Iranian citizens.

According to official reports the number of those killed, injured and arrested in Iran so far is over two thousand. Many of the unjustly arrested are held incommunicado and have been subjected to unspeakable acts of torture. Sadly, the clerical government has prevented many families of those killed from receiving and burying the bodies of their slain relatives in order to obscure the cause of death. More alarmingly, the clerical government is preparing to execute a number of the detainees who are suspected of either leading or merely participating in recent demonstrations.

Your Excellency,

I cannot overstate the urgency of the matter. Widespread and increasing violations of the human rights of millions of my compatriots in Iran have reached catastrophic proportions. The continuation of the current state of affairs in Iran is potentially a serious threat to the peace and security of the region if not the international community as a whole. The situation seems particularly urgent if one also considers the insistence of the clerical government to continue to pursue its nuclear ambitions in defiance of its binding international obligations and the repeated recommendations of the Security Council of the United Nations.

I consider it my solemn responsibility to respectfully urge Your Excellency to use your singular authority to take the necessary measures to bring to a halt the intolerable and increasingly dangerous march of events in Iran. To this end, I sincerely suggest the adoption of the following measures:

• Call upon the clerical regime of Iran to immediately release all those who have been arrested and kept in detention on the basis of their participation in, or mere expression of support for, the post-election demonstrations. Pending the release of the detainees, the authorities must allow the detainees to have access to legal counsel and normal visiting rights;
• Appoint a special rapporteur to travel to Iran in order to prepare a firsthand report on the nature and dimensions of the recent violations of human rights committed by security agents, judicial authorities, and members of the revolutionary guards and the armed militia of the clerical regime in Iran;
• Inform the Human Rights Commission and the General Assembly of the United Nations of the serious nature of ongoing violations of human rights in Iran; and
• Urge the member states of the United Nations to recall their respective ambassadors from Iran as a minimal but clear indication of their support for the rights and freedom of the Iranian citizens and their serious objections to widespread and flagrant violations of these rights by the clerical regime in Iran.

I, along with my aggrieved compatriots in Iran, and all free and freedom loving peoples of the world, would be most grateful if Your Excellency take up this matter with the urgency required.

Please accept the expression of my deep esteem and gratitude,

Reza Pahlavi

His Excellency Ban Ki-moon
Secretary-General of United Nations
The United Nations
New York, N.Y 10017

Dec. 31st, 2009